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  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer On Mac
  2. Microsoft Explorer Mac Download
  3. Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac

Internet Explorer 11 Release Preview brings the 'best in class' spelling engine and dictionaries used by Microsoft to the browser. Internet Explorer 11 Release Preview also supports autocorrection or 'correction-while-you-type'. Commonly misspelled words will be corrected immediately, making your review process faster.

Kusto.Explorer is a rich desktop application that allows you to explore your data using Kusto query language.

Oct 16, 2019 At present the best way to install Internet Explorer on a Mac computer is to use a tool such as zip64 and then extract the installation file from the Microsoft download. Once it is installed then you will need to extract the data from the downloaded archive. Apr 02, 2020 If you need to put internet explorer on your Mac computer or laptop, these instructions will help you. Note: Internet Explorer is no longer available for download for Macs. While these steps still work, the version of Internet Explorer is old and will not run optimally on your computer. Visual Studio 2019 for Mac A free and full-featured solution for individual developers to create applications for Android, iOS, macOS, cloud and the web. Oct 18, 2019  Alternatives to Internet Explorer for Mac. All in all, there is no Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer for macOS to begin with. However, there are some workarounds so that you won’t have to look. Oct 18, 2019 However, the Windows 10 maker ceased the development of IE for Mac in 2003, not long after Apple released the Safari browser with the release of Mac OS X 10.3. Alternatives to Internet Explorer.

Getting the tool

  • Install the Kusto.Explorer tool

  • Alternatively, access your Kusto cluster with your browser at:https://<your_cluster> Replace <your_cluster> with your Azure Data Explorer cluster name.

Using Chrome and Kusto.Explorer

If you use Chrome as your default browser, make sure to install the ClickOnce extension for Chrome:

Overview of the user experience

Kusto Explorer window has several UI parts:

  1. Script panel
  2. Results panel

Keyboard shortcuts

You might find that using keyboard shortcuts enables you to perform operations faster than with the mouse. Take a look at this list of Kusto.Explorer keyboard shortcuts.

Menu panel

Kusto.Explorer Menu panel includes the following tabs:

Home tab

The Home tab shows the most recently used functions, divided into sections:

Query section

Mode dropdown
  • Query mode: Switches Query Window into a script mode. Commands can be loaded and saved as scripts (default)
  • Search mode: A single query mode where each command entered is processed immediately and presents a result in the Result Window
  • Search++ mode: Allows searching for a term using search syntax across one or more tables. Learn more about using Search++ Mode
New TabOpens a new tab for querying Kusto

Share section

Data To ClipboardExports Query and data set to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as bitmap
Result To ClipboardExports the data set to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as bitmap
Query to ClipboardExports the Query to a clipboard

Visualizations section

Area chartDisplays an area chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric) and all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis)
Column ChartDisplays a column chart where all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis) and the text column before numeric is the X-axis (can be controlled in the UI)
Bar ChartDisplays a bar chart where all numeric columns are mapped to different series (X-axis) and the text column before numeric is the Y-axis (can be controlled in the UI)
Stacked Area chartDisplays a stacked area chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric) and all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis)
Timeline ChartDisplays a time chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be datetime) and all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Line ChartDisplays a line chart in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric) and all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Anomaly ChartSimilar to timechart, but finds anomalies in time series data, using the machine learning anomalies algorithm. For anomaly detection, Kusto.Explorer uses the series_decompose_anomalies function.(*)
Pie ChartDisplays a pie chart in which the color-axis is the first column and the theta-axis (must be a measure, converted to percent) is the second column.
Ladder ChartDisplays a ladder chart in which the X-axis is the last two columns (must be datetime) and the Y-axis is a composite of the other columns.
Scatter ChartDisplays a point graph in which the X-axis is the first column (must be numeric) and all numeric columns are mapped to different series (Y-axis).
Pivot ChartDisplaya a pivot table and pivot chart that gives the full flexibility of selecting data, columns, rows and various chart types.
Time PivotInteractive navigation over the events time-line (pivoting on time axis)

(*) Anomaly Chart:The algorithm expects timeseries data, which consists of two columns:

  1. Time in fixed interval buckets
  2. Numeric value for anomaly detectionTo produce this in Kusto.Explorer, summarize by the time field and specify the time bucket bin.

View section

Full View ModeMaximizes the work space by hiding the ribbon menu and Connection Panel
Hide Empty ColumnsRemoves empty columns from the data grid
Collapse Singular ColumnsCollapses columns with singular values
Explore Column ValuesShows column values distribution
Increase FontIncreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid
Decrease FontDecreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid

(*) Data View Settings:Kusto.Explorer keeps track of what settings are used per unique set of columns. So when columns are reordered or removed, the data view is saved and will be reusedwhenever the data with the same columns is retrieved. To reset the view to its defaults, in the View tab, select Reset View.

File tab

---------Query Script---------
New TabOpens a new tab window for querying Kusto
Open FileLoads data from a *.kql file to the active script panel
Save To FileSaves the content of the active script panel to *.kql file
Close TabCloses the current tab window
---------Save Data---------
To CSVExports data to a CSV (comma-separated-values) file
To JSONExports data to a JSON formatted file
To ExcelExports data to an XLSX (Excel) file
To TextExports data to a TXT (text) file
To CSL ScriptExports Query to a script file
To ResultsExports Query and data to a Results (QRES) file
---------Load Data---------
From ResultsLoads Query and data from a Results (QRES) file
Data To ClipboardExports Query and data set to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as a bitmap
Result To ClipboardExports data set to a clipboard. If a chart is presented, it exports the chart as a bitmap
Query to ClipboardExports the Query to clipboard
Clear results cacheClears cached results of previously executed queries

Connections Tab

Add groupAdds a new Kusto Server group
Rename groupRenames the existing Kusto Server group
Remove groupRemoves the existing Kusto Server group
Import connectionsImports connections from a file specifying connections
Export connectionsExports connections to a file
Add connectionAdds a new Kusto Server connection
Edit connectionOpens a dialog for Kusto Server connection properties editing
Remove connectionRemoves the existing connection to Kusto Server
RefreshRefreshes properties of a Kusto server connection
---------Identity Providers---------
Inspect Connection PrincipalShows currents active user details
Sign-out From AADSigns-out the current user from the connection to AAD
---------Data Scope---------
Caching scope
  • Hot DataExecute queries only on hot data cache
  • All Data: Execute queries on all available data (default)
DateTime ColumnName of column which may be used for time pre-filter
Time FilterValue of time pre-filter

View Tab

Full View ModeMaximizes the work space by hiding the ribbon menu and Connection Panel
Increase FontIncreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid
Decrease FontDecreases the font size of the query tab and of the results data grid
Reset LayoutResets the layout of the tool's docking controls and windows
---------Data View---------
Reset ViewResets data view settings (*)
Explore Column ValuesShows column values distribution
Focus on query statisticsChanges the focus to query statistics instead of query results upon query completion
Hide DuplicatesToggles removal of the duplicate rows from the query results
Hide Empty ColumnsToggles removal of empty columns from the query results
Collapse Singular ColumnsToggles collapsing columns with singular value
---------Data Filtering---------
Filter Rows in SearchToggles the option to show only matching rows in query results search (Ctrl+F)
VisualizationsSee Visualizations, above.

(*) Data View Settings: Kusto.Explorer keeps track of what settings are used per unique set of columns. So when columns are reordered or removed, the data view is saved and will be reused whenever the data with the same columns is retrieved. To reset the view to its defaults, in the View tab, select Reset View.

Tools Tab

Enable IntelliSenseEnables and disables IntelliSense on the Script Panel
Query AnalyzerLaunches the Query Analyzer tool
Query CheckerAnalyzes the current query and outputs a set of applicable improvement recommendations
CalculatorLaunches the calculator
Analytical ReportsOpens a dashboard with multiple pre-built reports for data analysis
Query to Power BITranslates a query to a format suitable for using in Power BI
Reset OptionsSets application settings to default values
OptionsOpens a tool for configuring application settings. Details

Management Tab

---------Authorized Principals---------
Manage Cluster Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a cluster's principals for authorized users
Manage Database Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a database's principals for authorized users
Manage Table Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a table's principals for authorized users
Manage Function Authorized PrincipalsEnables managing a function's principals for authorized users

Help Tab

HelpOpens a link to the Kusto online documentation
What's newOpens a document that lists all Kusto.Explorer changes
Report IssueOpens a dialog with two options:
  • Report issues related to service
  • Report issues in the client application
Suggest FeatureOpens a link to the Kusto feedback forum
Check UpdatesChecks if there are updates to your version of Kusto.Explorer

Connections panel

The left pane of Kusto.Explorer shows all the cluster connections that the clientis configured with. For each cluster it shows the databases, tables, and attributes (columns)that they store. The Connections panel enables you to select items (which sets an implicit contextfor the search/query in the main panel), or double-click items to copy the name to thesearch/query panel.

If the actual schema is large (such as a database with hundreds of tables), it's possible to search the schema by pressing CTRL+F and entering asubstring (case-insensitive) of the entity name you're looking for.

Kusto.Explorer supports controlling the Connection panel from the query window.This is very useful for scripts. For example, starting a script file with a commandthat instructs Kusto.Explorer to connect to the cluster/database whose data is beingqueried by the script is possible by using the following syntax. As usual, you'll have to run each line using F5 or similar:

Controlling the user identity used for connecting to Kusto

When adding a new connection, the default security model used isAAD-Federated security, in which authentication is done through theAzure Active Directory using the default AAD user experience.

In some cases, you might need finer control over the authentication parametersthan is available in AAD. If so, it's possible to expand the'Advanced: Connection Strings' edit box and provide a validKusto connection string value.

For example, users who have presence inmultiple AAD tenants sometimes need to use a particular 'projection'of their identities to a specific AAD tenant. This can be done byproviding a connection string such as the one below (replace words IN CAPITAL with specific values):

What is unique is that AAD_TENANT_OF_CLUSTER is a domain nameor AAD tenant ID (a GUID) of the AAD tenant in which the cluster is hosted(usually the organization domain name who owns the cluster, such, and USER_DOMAIN is the identity of the user invited into that tenant (for example,


The domain name of the user is not necessarily the same as that of the tenant hosting the cluster.

Table row colors

Kusto.Explorer tries to 'guess' the severity or verbosity level of each row in the results pane and color it accordingly. It does this by matching the distinct values of each column with a set of known patterns ('Warning', 'Error', and so on).

To modify the output color scheme, or turn this behavior off, from the Tools menu, select Options > Results Viewer > Verbosity color scheme.

Search++ Mode

  1. In the Home tab, in the Query dropdown, select 'Search++'.
  2. Select Multiple tables and then, under Choose tables, define which tables to search.
  3. In the edit box enter your search phrase and select Go
  4. A heat-map of the table/time-slot grid shows which term appears and where they appear
  5. Select a cell in the grid and select View Details to show the relevant entries

Query Mode

Kusto.Explorer has a powerful script mode which enables you to write, edit and run ad-hoc queries. The script mode comes with syntax highlighting and IntelliSense, so you can quickly ramp-up to Kusto CSL language.

Basic Queries

If you have have table Logs, you can start exploring them by entering:

When your cursor is positioned on this line it's colored gray. Pressing 'F5' runs the query.

Here are some more example queries:

Importing a local file into a Kusto table

Kusto.Explorer provides a convenient way to upload a files from your machine to a Kusto table.

  1. Make sure you created the table with a schema which matches your file(for example, using the .create table command)

  2. Make sure the file extension is appropriate to the contents of the file. For example:

    • If your file contains comma-separated-values, make sure your file has a .csv extension.
    • If your file contains tab-separated-values, make sure your file has a .tsv extension.
  3. Right-click the target database in the Connections panel, and select Refresh, so that your table appears.

  4. Right-click the target table in the Connections panel, and select Import data from local files.

  5. Select the file(s) to upload and select Open.

    The progress bar displays the progress, and a dialog displays when the operation completes

  6. Query the data in your table (double-click the table in the Connections panel).

Managing Authorized Principals

Kusto.Explorer provides a convenient way to manage cluster, database, table, or function authorized principals.


Only admins can add or drop authorized principals in their own scope.

  1. Right-click the target entity in the Connections panel, and select Manage Authorized Principals. (You can also do this from the Management Menu.)

  2. To add a new authorized principal, select Add principal, provide the principal details, and confirm the action.

  3. To drop an existing authorized principal, select Drop principal and confirm the action.

Sharing queries and results by email

Kusto.Explorer provides a convenient way to share queries and query results by email. Select Export to Clipboard, and Kusto.Explorer will copy the following items to the clipboard:

  1. Your query
  2. The query results (table or chart)
  3. The connection details for the Kusto cluster and database
  4. A link that will re-run the query automatically

Here's how it works:

  1. Run a query in Kusto.Explorer

  2. Select Export to Clipboard (or press Ctrl+Shift+C)

  3. Open, for example, a new Outlook message.

  4. Paste the contents of the clipboard to the Outlook message.

Client-side query parametrization


There are two types of query parametrization techniques in Kusto:

  • Language-integrated query parametrization is implemented as partof the query engine and meant to be used by applications that query the service programmatically.

  • Client-side query parametrization, described below, is a feature of the Kusto.Explorer application only. It's equivalent to using string-replace operations on the queries before sending them to be executed by the service. The syntax described below is not part of the query language itself, and can't be used when sending queries to the service by means other than Kusto.Explorer.

If you plan to use same value in multiple queries or in multiple tabs, it's going to be difficult to change it. However, Kusto.Explorer supports Query parameters. Parameters are denoted by {} brackets. For example: {parameter1}

The script editor highlights query parameters:

You can easily define and edit existing query parameters:

The script editor also has IntelliSense for query parameters that are already defined:

There can be multiple sets of parameters (listed in the Parameters Set combo box).Use the Add new and Delete current to manipulate the list of Parameter sets.

Query parameters are shared among tabs, so that they can be easily reused.

Deep-linking queries


You can create a URI that, when opened in a browser, Kusto.Explorer will start locally and run a specific query on a specified Kusto database.


The queries are limited to ~2000 characters due to Internet Explorer limitations (the limitation is approximate because it's dependent on the cluster and Database name length) reduce chances you will reach the character limit, see Getting Shorter Links, below.

The format of the URI is:

For example:

This URI will open Kusto.Explorer, connect to the help Kusto cluster, and run the specified query on the Samples database. If there is an instance of Kusto.Explorer already running, the running instance will open a new tab and run the query in it.)

Security note: For security reasons, deep-linking is disabled for control commands.

Creating a deep-link

The easiest way to create a deep-link is to author your query in Kusto.Explorer and then useExport to Clipboard to copy the query (including the deep link and results) to the clipboard. You can then share it by email.

When copied to an email, the deep link is displayed in small fonts; for example: [Click to run query]

The first link opens Kusto.Explorer and sets the cluster and database context appropriately.The second link (Click to run query) is the deep link. If you move to the link to an email messageand press CTRL-K, you can see the actual URL:

Deep-links and parametrized queries

You can use Parametrized Queries with deep-linking.

  1. Create a query to be formed as a Parametrized Query (for example, KustoLogs where Timestamp > ago({Period}) count)
  2. Provide a parameter for every Query Parameter in the URIIn this case:

Getting shorter links

Queries can become long. To reduce the chance the query exceeds the maximum length use theString Kusto.Data.Common.CslCommandGenerator.EncodeQueryAsBase64Url(string query) methodavailable in Kusto Client Library. This method produces a more compact version of the query. The shorter format is also recognized by Kusto.Explorer.

The query is made more compact by applying next transformation:

Kusto.Explorer command-line arguments

Kusto.Explorer supports several command-line arguments in the following syntax (the order matters):

[LocalScriptFile] [QueryString]


Microsoft Explorer On A Mac
  • LocalScriptFile is the name of a script file on the local machine which musthave the extension .kql. If such a file exists, Kusto.Explorer automaticallyloads this file when it starts up.
  • QueryString is a string formatted using HTTP query string formatting. This method provides additional properties, as described in the table below.

For example, to start Kusto.Explorer with a script file called c:tempscript.kqland configured to communicate with cluster help, database Samples, use thefollowing command:

Query to execute
queryThe query to execute (base64-encoded). If empty, use querysrc.
querysrcThe URL of a file or blob holding the query to execute (if query is empty).
Connection to the Kusto cluster
uriThe connection string of the Kusto cluster to connect to.
nameThe display name of the connection to the Kusto cluster.
Connection group
pathThe URL of a connection group file to download (URL-encoded).
groupThe name of the connection group.
filenameThe local file holding the connection group.

Kusto.Explorer connection files

Kusto.Explorer keeps its connections settings in the %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.Explorer folder.A list of Connection Groups is kept inside %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.ExplorerUserConnectionGroups.xml,and each Connection Group is kept inside a dedicated file under %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.ExplorerConnections.

Format of connection group files

The file location is %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.ExplorerUserConnectionGroups.xml.

This is an XML serialization of an array of the ServerGroupDescription objects with the following properties:


Format of connection list files

File location is: %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.ExplorerConnections.

This is an XML serialization of an array of the ServerDescriptionBase objects with the following properties:


Resetting Kusto.Explorer

If you need to, you can completely reset Kusto.Explorer. Use the following procedure to progressively reset Kusto.Explorer deployed on your computer, until it's completely removed and must be installed from scratch.

  1. In Windows, open Change or remove a programs (also known as Programs and Features).

  2. Select every item whose name starts with Kusto.Explorer.

  3. Select Uninstall.

    If this fails to uninstall the application (a known issue sometimes withClickOnce applications), see this stack overflow article which explains how to do it.

  4. Delete the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%Kusto.Explorer. This removes all connections, history, and so on.

  5. Delete the folder %APPDATA%Kusto. This removes the Kusto.Explorer token cache. You will need to re-authenticate to all clusters.

It's also possible to revert to a specific version of Kusto.Explorer:

  1. Run appwiz.cpl.
  2. Select Kusto.Explorer and select Uninstall/Change.
  3. Select Restore the application to its previous state.


Kusto.Explorer fails to start

Kusto.Explorer shows error dialog during or after start-up


At start-up, Kusto.Explorer shows an InvalidOperationException error.

Possible solution:

This error may suggest that the operating system became corrupted or is missing some of the essential modules.To check missing or corrupted system files, follow the steps described here:

Kusto.Explorer always downloads even when there are no updates


Every time you open Kusto.Explorer, you are prompted to install a new verison. Kusto.Explorer downloads the entire package, without actually updating the already-installed version.

Possible solution:

This could be a result of corruption in your local ClickOnce store. You can clear the local ClickOnce store, by running the following command, in an elevated command prompt.


  1. If there are any other instances of ClickOnce applications or of dfsvc.exe, terminate them before running this command.
  2. Any ClickOnce apps will reinstall automatically the next time you run them, as long as you have access to the original install location stored in the app shortcut. App shortcuts won't be deleted.

Try installing Kusto.Explorer again from one of the installation mirrors.

ClickOnce error: Cannot Start Application


  • The program fails to start and displays an error containing: External component has thrown an exception
  • The program fails to start and displays an error containing: Value does not fall within the expected range
  • The program fails to start and displays an error containing: The application binding data format is invalid.
  • The program fails to start and displays an error containing: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B2

You can explore the error details by clicking Details in the following error dialog:

Proposed solution steps:

  1. Uninstall the Kusto.Explorer application using Programs and Features (appwiz.cpl).

  2. Try running CleanOnlineAppCache, and then try installing Kusto.Explorer again. From an elevated command-prompt:

    Install Kusto.Explorer again from one of the installation mirrors.

  3. If it still fails, delete the local ClickOnce store. Any ClickOnce apps will reinstall automatically the next time you run them, as long as you have access to the original install location stored in the app shortcut. App shortcuts would not be deleted.

From an elevated command-prompt:

Microsoft Internet Explorer On Mac

  1. If it still fails, remove temp deployment files and rename the Kusto.Explorer local AppData folder.

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    From an elevated command-prompt:

    Install Kusto.Explorer again from one of the installation mirrors

  2. To restore your connections from Kusto.Explorer.bak, from an elevated command-prompt:

  3. If it still fails, enable verbose ClickOnce logging by creating a LogVerbosityLevel string value of 1 under:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionDeployment, repro it again, and send the verbose output to

ClickOnce error: Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer

Program fails to install with either of the following errors:

  • Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer.
  • Your security settings do not allow this application to be installed on your computer.


  1. This could be due to another application overriding the default ClickOnce trust prompt behavior. You can view your default configuration settings, compare them to the actual ones on your machine, and reset them as necessary, as explained in this how-to article.

Cleanup application data

Microsoft Explorer Mac Download

Sometimes, when previous troubleshooting steps didn't help with getting Kusto.Explorer to start, cleaning data stored locally may help.

Data stored by Kusto.Explorer application can be found here: C:Users[your alias]AppDataLocalKusto.Explorer.


Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac

Cleaning the data will lead to loss of opened tabs (Recovery folder), saved connections (Connections folder), and application settings (UserSettings folder).