1. Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Download
  2. Microsoft File Checksum Verifier
  3. Windows File Checksum
  4. Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Version
  5. Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Free

Apr 02, 2017  Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) is a console application, which means that it only runs inside a command window. You might wonder why such a program would be considered here, but there is a unique capability provided by this program that is worth a look. Oct 26, 2015 In this video tutorial I'm gonna show you, how to use File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) a small utility or tool from Microsoft. FCIV (File Checksum Integrity Verifier) is a small tool.

Jul 10, 2018  How to quickly verify MD5, SHA1 and SHA2 (256, 384, 512) Checksum in Windows using Command Prompt. Using MD5/SHA256 Hashes to Verify. Feb 23, 2018  Tools are available for Windows and Linux and Mac. Most UNIX installations provide a built-in command for these hashes. You may need a newer linux kernel to calculate the checksums for larger files. The Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) can be used on Windows based products to verify sha-1 values. Oct 26, 2015  In this video tutorial I'm gonna show you, how to use File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) a small utility or tool from Microsoft. FCIV (File Checksum Integrity Verifier) is a small tool. This article discusses the File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) utility. Warning The Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) utility is an unsupported command-line utility that computes MD5 or SHA1 cryptographic hashes for files. Microsoft does not provide support for this utility. Use this utility at your own risk.

Click Keyboard. Down arrow symbol mac microsoft word.

Aug 22, 2012  I've downloaded an application. I would like to make sure that it is what was presented, and there's a checksum to do so. I'm making some assumptions, but I believe I need a checksum verifier. I thought this might be useful, since it's from Microsoft: Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier tool Version: 1.0 File Name: Windows-KB841290-x86.

One method of knowing if a downloaded program file is safe to install is to compare the file checksum (also called a hash) before running the executable.

Verifying the checksum of a file helps ensure the file was not corrupted during download, or modified by a malicious third party before you downloaded it. If it was infected with malware or other malicious software after the checksum was originally calculated, you will discover the change when you calculate the new checksum.

The checksum is a long string of numbers that looks like this:

This hexadecimal number is unique to the installer .exe file created by the author. If anyone has altered or tampered with the file that you downloaded, the checksum will be different on your computer.


For maximum system security, always verify the checksum of any software you download from the Internet, before you run it.

How to check the checksum of a file in Windows

Many utilities that can be used to verify the checksum of a file in Windows. Below are our favorite options, the Checksum Calculator, an easy to use and compare checksum utility and the FCIV command line utility from Microsoft.

Checksum calculator

The Checksum Calculator is a free file checksum calculation utility that supports the most commonly used file checksum algorithms, such as md5, crc32, and sha1. The Checksum Calculator can also batch process multiple files and is an easy to understand and use Windows program.

Downloading and installing the checksum calculator

  1. Download the Checksum Calculator.
  2. Run the executable, checksumcalculator_setup.exe.
  3. Follow the prompts to install the program.

Using the calculator

  1. Open the Checksum Calculator if not already opened after the install.
  2. Click the Browse next to the file box and browse to the file you want to check. In our example, we are checking the checksum of the windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe file.
  3. Select the type of Checksum you are calculating. By default, the Checksum is set to MD5, in our example below we've set the value to SHA1.
  4. Click the Calculate button.
  5. After clicking Calculate, a result is shown in the Result box. To compare the values with what's shown on the web page or documentation, copy and paste the checksum into the Compare box and click the Verify button. If both values match, you'll see a message box indicating that the values are the same.

Using the Microsoft FCIV utility

Unfortunately, no version of Microsoft Windows comes pre-installed with a checksum utility, but Microsoft has released a command line command that can be used to checksum. In our example, we'll be downloading, installing, and using the Microsoft FCIV (File Checksum Integrity Verifier) to check the WinDirStat installer file. WinDirStat is a great free utility for checking what files and folders are occupying space on your hard drive.

Downloading and installing Microsoft FCIV

  1. Download FCIV from Microsoft.
  2. Run the executable, Windows-KB841290-x86-ENU.exe.
  3. Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
  4. The installer asks where you would like to extract the files. It would be convenient to have it in the same place as the WinDirStat installer, so we recommend you extract it to your Downloads folder. Click Browse, highlight Downloads, and click OK.
  1. Click OK to extract the files.
  2. Click OK to close the installer.

Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Download

If you copy the fciv.exe file into your C:Windows directory, the command works from any directory or drive in the command prompt.

Using FCIV

  1. FCIV is a command-line utility, so you need to run it from the Windows command prompt. Open a new command prompt window now. In Windows 10, you can find it under Start menuWindows SystemCommand Prompt. You can also open it from the Run box if you press Win+R (hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press R), type cmd, and press Enter.
  2. Change to your Downloads directory or the directory containing fciv and the file you want to compare. At the command prompt, run:
  1. The checksums provided on the WinDirStat use the SHA1 algorithm, so we need to use the -sha1 option when we run FCIV. For example, to verify windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe, use this command:

FCIV will spend a few moments calculating, and then provide output like this:

The checksum is the long hexadecimal number on the last line:

That hexadecimal number is the SHA1 checksum for your file. Check to make sure it matches the checksum on the WinDirStat website:

Microsoft File Checksum Verifier

  • See our fciv command page for further information about this command and its syntax and options.

How to check the checksum of a file in Linux

In Linux, the checksum of a file can be checked using one of the following command line commands depending on the checksum the author used for comparison.

Windows File Checksum

  • The MD5 checksum can be verified using the md5sum command.
  • An SHA224 checksum can be checked using the sha224sum command.
  • An SHA256 checksum can be seen using the sha256sum command.
  • An SHA384 checksum can be shown using the sha384sum command.
  • An SHA512 checksum can be verified using the sha512sum command.

Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Version

Additional information

Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier Mac Free

  • See our checksum page for further information and related links.