1. Microsoft Office Timeline For Mac Free
  2. Microsoft Word Timeline
  3. Office Timeline Pro

Office Timeline cannot be installed on Mac OS’s and does not work with PowerPoint for the Mac. It can be deployed on a Mac virtual machine using desktop virtualization solutions like Parallels or Bootcamp to run Windows; however, this is not a tested scenario. Mac users who want to illustrate a series of events, milestones or deliverables in Keynote can create a basic timeline starting from a 2D Bubble Chart. The graphic will, however, require manual formatting, which may become a time-consuming task if it is to be done repeatedly for regular presentations such as project reviews or client meetings. History timeline. Tell your story graphically with this timeline template intended to cover a five-year span. Highlight key events in your history and track along a horizontal view. This is an accessible template.

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In the Chart Data table that pops up, enter your timeline data as follows:

i.Insert your milestone titles or descriptions in the first row, where you can see the month name auto-populated by Keynote. I'd recommend keeping these texts as short as possible so that they’ll fit well on the timeline.

ii.Add the milestones' due dates in the X column, as shown in the image below. The first date will correspond to the first milestone, the second date to the second milestone, and so on.

Microsoft Office Timeline For Mac Free

iii.In the Y column of each milestone, on the same row as its corresponding due date, you will need to enter a plotting number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, or 4) that will define the milestone's vertical placement on the graphic. The bigger the number, the higher the milestone bubble will be placed on the timeline. You can see in the image below how I've set up the plotting numbers for my graphic.

iv.Finally, in the Size column of each milestone, right next to its plotting number, add the size you want each bubble to have. In my example, I used the value 20 for all my milestones.

Installing microsoft access on mac keyboard. As seen below:Access 2016 in Win10 in Parallels DesktopSecondly, users can create tables, queries, forms, and reports that connect their projects together with macros. Software developers, data architects and power users have expressed a need to run Microsoft Access on their Mac without partitioning their hard drives or restarting.Firstly, if you fall into this category, for Mac can assist you with developing application software without reformatting or rebooting your machine.

Once you’ve entered all your project data, the resulting chart will like much closer to a timeline:

Microsoft Word Timeline

What we are all about

Office Timeline Pro

Once upon a time two friends shared a dark office at a big corporation. They spent a lot of time preparing and updating project visuals for client and executive meetings…way too much time. They dreamed of an easier way.

The Mission

So, not too long ago, they set out on a mission to rid the world of ho-hum project presentations which take way too long to make. They would do it with innovative software that is simple and nice to use. They would make it familiar and they would make it work with the tools business workers were already using. And, above all, they would build it to create beautiful project visuals which add a “wow” factor to important meetings.

The Company

Office Timeline like many companies, was born out of necessity. The software is skillfully built by a growing group of good-humored people who still share offices. We love to listen to customers, and that’s great because Office Timeline is used by over 500,000 talented professionals in enterprises around the world.

The Way

Our software is designed for professionals who need to manage and present their projects in a easier more impressive way. Our sights are set on delivering valuable, graphics based project applications and web services that are simple, familiar and impressive. Our way is to design easy-to-use, customer inspired applications which simplify the tedious tasks knowledge workers have to do when managing projects.