I have comcast and my 2016 Outlook crashes after it has finished synchronizing with the main server, after about 10-15 seconds. The cause is an email that comes into my inbox or the junk folder, the email is recognizable because although it is in English the font looks more like Cyrillic. Microsoft office#4. Outlook 2016 for Mac crashes constantly on Startup. If your Office 2016 is constantly crashing while opening, you need to delete Outlook 2011 files from the installed location or just move them from the installed location of Office 2016. This will not affect your files in. Download microsoft word 2013 for mac free full version.

If you have a problem with Microsoft Outlook 2016 (365) crashing when you try to start it, try the following steps.

Fix 1

Microsoft Outlook 2016 Crashes On Mac Pro

  1. Visit Microsoft’s website to obtain and write down the newest “Build Number” number for Office.
  2. Hold down the Windows Key, then press “R” to bring up the Windows Run dialog box.
  3. Type the following, then press “Enter“:
    %programfiles%Common FilesMicrosoft SharedClickToRunofficec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.buildnumber
    where “(buildnumber)” is the build number you wrote down in step 1.
    For example, in my case, the current build was 9126.2259, so I typed the following:
    %programfiles%Common FilesMicrosoft SharedClickToRunofficec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.9126.2257
  4. When prompted, select the options to “Repair” Office.

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Fix 2

  1. Hold down the “CTRL” key on your keyboard while opening Outlook. Hopefully, Outlook will at least open in Safe Mode.
  2. Select “File” > “Manage Add-Ins“.
  3. Now you need to disable plugins to see if they are the root of your issue. If any add-ins are enabled, select the “Disable this add-in” button.
  4. Click “Close“, then close Outlook.
  5. Restart Outlook normally. Hopefully it starts and you are problem free.

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These steps have fixed Outlook a few times for me and hopefully they help you too.