Jul 24, 2017  I can't adjust the height of the page. If I place the cursor at the top of the ruler I no longer get the double head arrow to pull the ruler down. The horizontal ruler is fine Microsoft Word. If it still doesn't show, you might need to turn the ruler on. Go to Word Preferences View (under Authoring and Proofing Tools ). Then, in the View dialog box, select the Vertical ruler box. Scroll down to the Display section and uncheck the “Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view” box. Click “OK” to accept the change and close the Word Options dialog box. Now, the vertical ruler is hidden. If the “Ruler” box is checked on the View tab, the horizontal ruler. Mar 29, 2019 How to Show the Ruler in Word. The steps in this article were performed in Microsoft Word for Office 365, but will work in many earlier versions of Word as well. When you’re done with this article, find out how to hide comments when printing in Word if that’s an issue you’ve encountered before. Step 1: Open your document in Word.

  1. Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac Online
  2. Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac 2011
  3. Ruler In Word Mac
  4. Ruler On Microsoft Word 2007
  5. Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac 2016
  6. Microsoft Word Ruler Missing

Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac Online

Sometimes when you’re working with a document in Microsoft Word, the physical size of some of the elements on your page can be important. This can be difficult to determine on the screen, as what you see on your computer usually doesn’t reflect the actual size when it’s printed.

One way to solve this is to display the ruler on the screen. This lets you determine how large an image, table, column, or other document elements will be when it’s printed. Our tutorial below will show you how to display the ruler in Microsoft Word if it’s not currently visible.

Microsoft word .doc format. How to Recover an Unsaved Word Document on a Mac Microsoft Word on a Mac computer includes an AutoRecovery option. This is turned on by default when you install Word on OS X so that the app will automatically save a copy of an open document every 10 minutes. Jun 12, 2019  Use Time Machine on Mac Step 1. Go to Finder Application and launch Time Machine. Open the folder where you store the Word file. Find the Word document to recover. Click 'Restore' to get the previous Word document back on mac. Mar 15, 2020  Steps to recover an unsaved Word document on Mac: Step 1. Open a Finder window on your Mac. Select the entire computer as the location. Double-click on the file to be recovered. This will open the file in Microsoft Word. Select the File menu and choose Save As. If you are lucky, then you can just extract its content from here and recover the unsaved Word document on Mac. To start with, go to the Documents folder on your Mac and try to find the Windows User Data folder. Once you visit the folder, you can see the Office AutoRecovery folder. Simply open it and view the recovery file. How to recover Word documents from the Trash. Click on the Trash can icon in the Dock to open it. You'll now see the contents of the Trash. Look for your file. If you click on a file and press Space Bar you may be able to see a preview of it. If you don't see your file look for a 'Recovered Items'.

How to Show the Ruler in Word

The steps in this article were performed in Microsoft Word for Office 365, but will work in many earlier versions of Word as well. When you’re done with this article, find out how to hide comments when printing in Word if that’s an issue you’ve encountered before.

Step 1: Open your document in Word.

Step 2: Select the View tab at the top of the window.

Step 3: Check the box to the left of Ruler in the Show section of the ribbon.

You should now see a ruler at the top and left side of the screen, like in the picture below.

Are you working on a document with other people, and the comments in the document keep printing with the document text? Find out how to hide comments when printing in Word if you don’t need them on your physical copy of the document.


To enable or disable the vertical and horizontal ruler in Microsoft Word, click the link below. Depending on the version of Microsoft Word you have, for steps on how to do this.


The horizontal ruler is displayed below the menu or ribbon bar and the vertical ruler is displayed on the left side of the Word program window.

Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac 2011

  • Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016.
  • Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010.
  • Earlier versions of Word and other word processors.

Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016

Click the View tab, then click the Ruler check box to show the horizontal and vertical ruler.

Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010

Ruler In Word Mac

Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 use the Ribbon instead of the file menu. Enabling and disabling the rulers is done through either of the following methods.

Click the View Ruler icon that is found on the top of the right vertical scroll bar, as shown in the picture.

Ruler On Microsoft Word 2007

You can also click the View tab and check the box for Ruler.

Earlier versions of Word, OpenOffice, and other word processors

Ruler On Microsoft Word Mac 2016

  1. Click the View drop-down-menu at the top of Word.
  2. Check Ruler to enable the Ruler or uncheck Ruler to disable the Ruler.

You may need to click the bottom chevrons if you do not see the Ruler option.

Additional information

Microsoft Word Ruler Missing

  • See our ruler definition for related information and links.