David has a book manuscript that consists of twenty chapters. Each chapter is in its own document file, and each chapter has its own endnotes. He would like to create one large, single document file for the manuscript, with the endnotes properly separated by chapter at the end, and renumbered from 1-X in each endnote section, as they are now.

  1. Endnote Microsoft Word Plugin
  2. Endnotes In Word
  3. Endnotes Microsoft Word Mac Download

Sep 02, 2018  How to Add Endnote in Microsoft Word on PC or Mac. This wikiHow teaches you how to insert comments, explanations, and references as endnotes at the end of a Microsoft Word document, using a computer. Open the Word document you want to. I am having a problem using Endnote with MS Word 2016 (version 16.20) after upgrading to Endnote X9. I am using a Macbook Pro with OS 10.14.1. Specifically, every time I select a command in the Endnote X9 tab this takes me directly to the Endnote application and nothing further happens. How to control where Word puts endnotes. By Susan Harkins in Microsoft Office, in Software on May 8, 2008, 5:00 PM PST When adding endnotes to a.

Microsoft office 365 mac price. This can be done rather easily, as Word allows you to specify that endnotes should appear at one of two places in a document: either the end of each section or at the end of the document itself. Follow these general steps:

  1. Create a new, blank document.
  2. Define the layout for the new document to match whatever layout you want for your book. (Set margins, orientation, etc.)
  3. Display the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. Do this in Word 97 and Word 2000 by choosing Insert Footnote. Do this in Word 2002 and Word 2003 by choosing Insert Reference Footnote. (See Figure 1.)
  4. Figure 1. The Footnote and Endnote dialog box.

  5. Make sure the Endnotes radio button is selected.
  6. If you are using Word 97 or Word 2000, click the Options button. Word displays the Note Options dialog box.
  7. Change the Place At option to End of Section.
  8. Change the Start At value to 1.
  9. Choose the Restart Each Section radio button.
  10. If you are using Word 97 or Word 2000, click OK to close the Note Options dialog box and then click Cancel to close the Footnote and Endnote dialog box.
  11. If you are using Word 2002 or later, click Apply.
  12. Choose Insert File to insert your first chapter file.
  13. Insert a section break at the end of the chapter file you just inserted.
  14. Insert your next chapter file after the section break.
  15. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for each of your remaining chapter files.

What you end up with is each chapter divided by sections breaks, with the endnotes configured to appear at the end of each section. Numbering of the endnotes will begin at 1 in each section.

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The only time this approach will present a problem is if you have section breaks within a chapter. For instance, if you switch from a one-column to a two-column layout within a chapter, then the layout change requires the insertion of a section break. Since endnotes are configured to appear at the end of each section, that means you may have endnotes that appear at the end of your one-column layout and then at the end of the section that marks the end of the chapter. This is probably not what you want.

You can suppress the endnotes for some sections in your document (such as the first part of the chapter, before the layout change), but that presents additional problems with numbering. Since numbering is designed to start at 1 for each section, you may end up with two (or more) endnotes numbered '1' in a single chapter. You can get around this by applying continuous endnote numbering for the entire document, instead of restarting the number in each section.

Word 2007 makes it easy to add footnotes and endnotes when you’re creating documents in which you want to credit the original sources of information.


1Put the insertion point where you want the little footnote reference number to appear in your text.

Word will insert a sequential number here that syncs automatically with the footnote number.

Endnote Microsoft Word Plugin

2On the References tab in the Footnotes group, click the Insert Footnote button.

The footnote reference is added to the text, and the footnote itself is placed at the bottom of the page. To create an endnoteinstead of a footnote, click the Add Endnote button instead of the Add Footnote button. An endnote, like a footnote, has text following the little number, except it appears at the end of the document.

3Type the footnote or endnote.

Word automatically numbers footnotes for you, adding a little footnote reference number in the text that’s paired with a number in the footnote. If you go back later and insert a new footnote in front of an existing one, Word automatically juggles the footnote numbers to keep everything in sync.

Endnotes In Word

4To make changes, launch the Footnote and Endnote dialog box.

Use the dialog box launcher (a little box with an arrow) at the lower-right corner of the Footnotes group of the References tab.

Endnotes Microsoft Word Mac Download

5Tweak your footnotes and endnotes.

This dialog box gives you more control over endnotes and footnotes.

6Change footnotes to endnotes or vice versa as needed.

To convert your endnotes to footnotes (or vice versa) call up the Footnote and Endnote dialog box and click the Convert button. This brings up the Convert Notes dialog box. Click OK to convert your footnotes to endnotes, and then click Close to dismiss the Footnote and Endnote dialog box.


7To delete a footnote, select its footnote reference number in the text and press Delete.

Add a space if you need to. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the page, the typed footnote disappears and the remaining numbers adjust automatically to stay in sequence.